education |
Employment --> 2000 - 2006
Upon graduating in Interactive Multimedia I started working as a sessional lecturer and tutor at Edith Cowan University (Perth, Western Australia) at the Faculty of Education and Arts, School of Communications & Contemporary Arts. During this period I taught 6 different course units, including 1st year, 2nd year and final year units. Below are details of these courses.
Students have always given me highly complimentary tutor-evaluation reports (UTEIs) which can be viewed at this LINK
Click on any of the above units to view more information about the course. |
CMM1108 Introduction to Digital Technology
This unit provides an introduction to multimedia and digital technologies. The unit includes: an
introduction to the various technologies associated with multimedia development and delivery,
including hardware, software and human components; an introduction to the Internet and World
Wide Web; using the Web as an information and communication resource; visual communications
and design; and issues associated with these developing technologies. The unit also includes an
introduction to multimedia development processes. LEARNING OUTCOMES
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
1. use contemporary technologies for communication and information access;
2. apply advanced searching techniques to access information from the WWW;
3. understand and apply appropriate strategies for accessing information from a variety of sources
and attributing sources;
4. design effective communication products using contemporary technologies;
5. apply sound design principles to the development of communication products;
6. use images and graphics as effective communications elements;
7. communicate effectively with applications and productivity software;
8. develop simple Web pages for communication purposes.
This unit will cover the following topics:
1. Use of the WWW and advanced searching strategies.
2. Using and attributing electronic information sources.
3. Page layout and design principles.
4. Typography and images.
5. Graphics design principles.
6. Human-computer interactions.
7. Use of productivity software.
8. Principles of visual communication.
9. Web-page design and development.
10. Copyright and intellectual property.
There are three components to this unit: lectures, workshops and assessments. Students will be set
exercises and activities to complete during workshop sessions. Completion of the activities and
exercises is part of the course requirements. The course content is contained in both print and
electronic forms and students are required to complement this material using a variety of
information sources. GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES
The following graduate attributes will be developed in this unit:
1. Use of Technology/ Information Literacy.
2. Problem Solving/ Decision Making.
3. Communications.
IMM1121 Digital Photomedia
This unit includes: the role of photomedia concepts and production styles within an interactive
multimedia context; an introduction to the principles and practices required for a thorough understanding of IMM graphics creation, manipulation and use; an introduction to applications software and hardware which supports the development of image resources for IMM. Objectives
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
• understand the principles of two dimensional computer graphics;
• acquire and manipulate photomedia images within a digital environment;
• use a variety of software and hardware tools in the creation of graphic resources for visual
disciplines such as photomedia, film, video and web design;
• understand and apply a range of theories in the design and manipulation of photomedia based
graphics for screen display.
Unit content
This unit will cover the following topics:
• An introduction to the applications software and hardware which supports the development of
graphics; graphics formats and standards; and concepts relating to image processing;
• Introduction to, and application of constructionist theoretical models of communication and
culture in a multimedia environment;
• Introduction to, and application of formal considerations in screen-based design: layout,
typography, and colour theory.
• Synthesis of theories and practical applications in a range of screen based communication tasks.
Unit components
There are four components to this unit: lectures, workshops, readings, and assessment. Consequently,
a pass in this unit requires:
• Satisfactory completion of all assessments.
• Attendance at lectures/workshops.
IMM2123 Authoring with Director and Lingo Programming This unit introduces students to the concepts and principles of IMM development through authoring
systems. It includes an overview of state-of-the-art authoring environments and an examination of
the different IMM production models upon which currently used authoring systems are based.
Students are exposed to the principles and practices involved in developing IMM products using a
Multimedia Development Environment and are required to author a significant prototype of an IMM
product using this authoring system.
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
1. understand the processes and theory related to interactive media project development;
2. develop an understanding of programming structures for interactive media development;
3. develop effective organisational strategies for interactive media projects;
4. use production modelling techniques to test, implement and document designs and
specifications for interactive media products;
5. select and use appropriate tools for developing and testing interactive media projects; and
6. demonstrate a capacity for self-instruction in developing skills and expertise in the use of
interactive media authoring tools; and
7. apply critical thinking and problem analysis skills in interactive media authoring contexts.
Unit Content
This unit will cover the following topics:
1. Principles of interactive media authoring.
2. Cross platform development and delivery of interactive media projects.
3. Navigation strategies in interactive media projects.
4. Programming techniques and structures.
5. Media integration.
6. Problem analysis and solution strategies for interactive media authoring tasks.
IMM3228 Multimedia Project Management
This unit examines multimedia development methodologies and investigates the different phases of project management cycles such as feasibility, analysis, design, production, implementation and evaluation. Project teams are formed to develop a web-based product in which team members are assigned the role of project manager,
designer, programmer or instructional designer/tester and work through all the phases required to develop a
multimedia project. The unit also promotes reflection through individual reports on the processes used within the unit. Students are given access to on-line presentation areas, group discussion areas and chat areas to facilitate communication. Learning Outcomes
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
1. Apply a range of project management and generic skills appropriate to the development of multimedia projects
including time management, collaboration, communication, self-assessment, peer-assessment, task
management, problem solving, information management and learning to learn skills;
2. Make a significant contribution to a team-based multimedia development project;
3. Demonstrate an understanding of how project management models, needs analysis, timesheets, categories,
planning, scheduling and costing are used to develop metrics and feasibility studies;
4. Develop legal contracts which considers all the relevant aspects for multimedia development
5. Use planning tools such as storyboarding, concept maps and prototyping to develop design specs;
6. Design and apply quality assurance procedures for testing, formative/summative evaluation strategies,
procedures, file naming and templates development; and
7. Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of the specialist roles of instructional designers, content experts,
computer programmers, graphics designers, project managers, "evaluators", and others when developing a
multimedia product.
8. Apply critical thinking and problem analysis skills to create innovative
solutions to PM tasks)
Unit Content
1. The areas of project management, analysis, design, production, implementation and evaluation with respect to
developing multimedia projects.
2. Stages in multimedia project development, project management skills, needs analysis, design issues,
storyboards, concept maps, formative and summative and legal issues related to copyright and intellectual
3. Team and client issues are also considered and the roles of instructional designers, content experts, computer
programmers, graphics designers, project managers and others are defined.
IMM3330 Industry-based Project This unit provides students with the opportunity to participate in the development of a multimedia
project located in an industry environment, and to make a significant contribution to the team based
development. Students negotiate with their lecturer regarding the nature of the project, which is aimed at
fulfilling an industry need. The unit content includes significant contribution to the development of a
multimedia product; critical analysis of the project management method used; design and
implementation of evaluation, testing, implementation and maintenance strategies; and establishing clear
metrics, templates and standards.
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
1 make a significant contribution to the development of a team-based multimedia project that
illustrates their skills as a multimedia developer eg graphic designer, instructional designer, media
developer or programmer;
2 develop and present an e-portfolio which shows ability to document effective procedures,
templates and skills needed in a multimedia production team
3 participate in, and report on, the project management of a team-based multimedia project which
includes analysis, feasibility, costing, scope, content outline, Gantt chart, category definition,
communication strategy, QA procedures, legal documentation, design, prototyping, development,
formative and summative evaluation, testing and implementation;
4 present a seminar to a large group audience showing the features of their multimedia product, and
discuss relevant project management issues;5 students are also required to apply critical thinking and problem analysis skills to create
innovative solutions to multimedia development tasks and processes.)
IMM1120 Communications and Digital Technologies
This unit provides an introduction to multimedia technologies. The unit includes: an introduction to the various technologies associated with multimedia development and delivery, including hardware, software and human components; an introduction to the Internet and World Wide Web, using the Web as an information and communication resource, and issues associated with these developing technologies. The unit also includes an introduction to multimedia development processes. |
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
- use a variety of IMM technologies for communication and to access information
- describe and use IMM hardware and software platforms
- describe and create a variety of digital media components;
- create a website;
- describe the principles of good design and use them to evaluate IMM products and services;
- describe the infrastructure of the Internet and related technologies;
- describe IMM development processes;
- detail current issues associated with IMM development and delivery.
- apply critical thinking and problem analysis skills to create innovative solutions to multimedia development tasks (IMM4120 only)
- The scope and extent of interactive multimedia.
- Multimedia components and applications.
- Delivery platforms and development tools.
- Multimedia building blocks and digital resources.
- Designing and authoring IMM products.
- The Internet and WWW.
- IMM development processes.
- Copyright and intellectual property.
There are three components to this unit: lectures, workshops and assessments. Students will be set exercises and activities to complete during workshop sessions. Completion of the activities and exercises is part of the course requirements. The course content is contained in both print and electronic forms and students are required to complement this material using a variety of information sources.